Acharyasri Sachchidanand Trust

Fruit Combinations

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Fruits are very beneficial for health. Fruits fulfill the deficiency of minerals and vitamins in our body. But some combinations of fruits are also harmful for our health.

Fruits and sweets

The combination of sweets and fruits harms our digestion. This can lead to problems like acidity, headache or nausea.

Fruits and vegetables –

Vegetables and fruits should not be consumed together. Because fruits have a high sugar content, which makes it difficult for the body to digest along with vegetables. Since they don’t get digested easily many types of toxins are released in the stomach which later causes diarrhea, headache, stomachache or infection.

Orange and Carrot –

Orange and carrot should never be eaten together. Eating them together not only causes heartburn, but can also cause kidney damage.

Papaya and Lemon –

Papaya and lemon should not be consumed together because these two things together can increase the problem related to haemoglobin in the blood. At the same time, this combination can also trigger problems related to anaemia.

Banana and Guava –

Although banana and guava are very beneficial for health, but if they are eaten together, they can create many illnesses in the body. Consuming these two fruits together can cause problems like acidosis, nausea, gas in the stomach and constant headache.

Banana and Pudding

The combination of pudding with banana produces toxins in the body. Consuming this can cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach for a long time.

Pomegranate and Apricot –

Pomegranate and apricots are both high in sugar and protein. Consuming them together can increase the problem of acidity, indigestion and heartburn, as well as the high sugar present in them kills the enzymes in the body that assist in digesting the proteins.

~ Acharyasri Satchidananda