Acharyasri Sachchidanand Trust

7. Kundalini yoga : Gods and goddesses of the chakras

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In each chakra, there exists a positive Ushnaveerya (masculine) and a negative Sheetaveerya (feminine) energy. These energies have been addressed as the gods and goddesses of the chakras. Procreation, nutrition, digestion, etc. are called the Ushnaveerya energies and the Saptadhatu (seven bodily tissues) of the gross body are called Sheetaveerya energies. According to Ayurveda, of all the elements that make up the body, Saptadhatu (seven bodily tissues) have a special significance. Saptadhatu holds the physical body, that is, it helps in the structure and support of the body that is why they are called ‘Dhatu’. Seven types of Dhatus are described in Ayurveda and they are placed in a certain order. The components of our gross body are composed of these seven Dhatus. Since these seven Dhatus are made up of the five gross elements, each Dhatu has a predominance of one gross element. According to ‘Sushruta Samhita’, when we eat food a subtle essence or fluid is formed, which is called Rasa. This (Rasa) plasma first takes the form of (Rakta) blood, then it forms (Mamsa) muscular tissue, (Meda) adipose tissue, (Asthi) bony tissue, (Majja) bone marrow and (Shukra) reproductive tissues respectively. In ‘Saubhagyaratnakar’, the seven Dhataus have been described as the abode of seven feminine energies, therefore the seven Dhatus have been labelled as seven goddesses. The reproductive tissue (Shukra) is called Dakini, plasma (Rasa) and blood tissues (Rakta) is called Rakini, muscular tissue (Mamsa) is known as Lakini, adipose tissue (Meda) as Kakini, boney tissue (Asthi) as Sakini and bone marrow (Majja) is named Hakini Devi. Apart from these goddesses, infant Brahma symbolises procreation, symbol of Vishnu for nurturing, Rudra for digestion, Hans Ish for destruction, Panchamukhi Shiva for ingestion and the Jyotirlinga is considered to be the symbol of the power of knowledge. Chakras located in Brahmnadi have been assigned the deities to depict the symbols of feminine or masculine energies. Dakini and Shishu brahma (infant brahma) Brahma are called Goddess and God of Muladhara Chakra, Rakini and Vishnu as the deities of Swadhisthana Chakra, Lakini and Rudra as the deities of Manipur Chakra, Kakini and Han Ish as the Goddess and God of Anahata Chakra, Shakini and Panchamukhi shiva (five-faced shiva) as the deities of Vishuddhi Chakra and Hakini and Jyotirlinga as the Goddess and God of the Agya Chakra.
                                                                ~ Acharyasri